  • Best Dye of INT (INT 2 WIT -2)

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    Item 49918.jpg
    Best Dye of INT <INT +2 WIT -2> 3rd Class Transfer
    Best dye of INT. Take 10 units of this magical dye to any Symbol Maker to obtain a symbol that boosts parameters. For all 3rd classes.
    Weight: 150
    Durability: -
    Base price: Adena.jpg 90,000 adena
    No restrictions for item exchange.

    Trader Place Cost Amount of purchased items
    Dye Merchant Carson Town of Aden Item 57.jpg 108,000 adena + castle tax 1
    Dye Merchant Groot Item 57.jpg 99,000 adena + castle tax 1

    Best Dye of INT (INT 2 WIT -2) - Related Pages
    Items: Armor SetsWeaponArmorAccessoriesHead Accessories

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